
It’s no secret that as we age, our metabolism slows, and the rate at that we break down food decreases significantly with each passing decade. So, what is the relationship between metabolism and aging and its role in our lives? First, we must understand the meaning of metabolism and how it impacts our daily functions.  

Dr. Brian Fertig is one of the nation’s leading endocrinologists with over 35 years of practice in diabetes, endocrinology, and metabolism. Dr. Fertig’s clinical experience, research, and vision, are helping to shape and transform how people respond to aging.  

Simply put, metabolic processes transform our food choices into the power to breathe, move around, sit and think, and everything in-between. When you hit your 40s, the impact of metabolism becomes more apparent and visible in our body shape and how we maintain it or let it go. Some people continue to eat as if they were still young, vibrant adolescents. Continue that diet into your 40s, and you will find yourself wider around the hips, stomach, glutes, and everywhere else. By the time you are 50, you’ve reached a 30 percent drop in the metabolism, meaning that a nightly bowl of ice cream equates to an additional 3500 calories per week, which results in unwanted fat.   

Let’s discuss metabolism and age. First, the body experiences a loss of muscle mass. This affects metabolism because as you age, your metabolism slows, and your burn calories at a lower rate. Additionally, most people are less active as they age, and not getting enough exercise leads to weight gain, loss of energy, and cardiovascular diseases. These elements all contribute to slowing your metabolism. Lastly, your gender and genes contribute to defining your metabolism. Men, over women, have a faster metabolism because they have more muscle mass, heavier bones, and less body fat.  

Weight gain is a part of metabolism and aging and can be incredibly frustrating. There is a way to help combat a slowing metabolism through the different decades of your life. First and foremost, it is vital to implement a balanced, responsible diet. Eat breakfast, consume lean proteins, and drink plenty of water. These are just a few things, not a complete diet’s elements. Get plenty of exercise and switch up between aerobic workouts and strength training. Soon you can learn to alter the metabolism and how it benefits you. 

Understanding metabolism and how it affects your body is the first step toward managing many of today’s most complex diseases and aging processes. Dr. Fertig continues to demonstrate an acute understanding of the human endocrine system based on clinical practice and research that translates into a dedicated and professional approach to patient care, helping his patients live healthier lives.  

Patients and healthcare experts in Piscataway and globally can buy Dr. Fertig’s book, “Metabolism & Medicine,” through Amazon to learn more about the relationship between metabolism and aging. 

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