Does a fast metabolism correspond with a healthy weight? Here is what you need to know about how to increase metabolism speed and efficiency. To learn more about metabolic pathways or how to enhance your metabolic health, you can buy Metabolism & Medicine here. Learn supplementary information about the intersection of metabolic performance and modern physics in volume one and volume two of Dr. Brian Fertig’s exhaustive work on the metabolic landscape of health and disease.
You’ve undoubtedly heard many people attribute their weight to their metabolic speed. Can a fast metabolism help you burn fat? Can you speed up your metabolism? Find out about how to increase metabolism efficiency.
How to Increase Metabolism: An Examination of The Relationship Between Metabolism and Exercise
In spite of the fact that you cannot control the rate of your basal metabolism, you can manage the number of calories you expend by the level of exercise you engage in. Exercise burns calories, so the more you exercise, the more calories you can burn. As it turns out, those believed to have a fast metabolism probably just move quite a bit; either because they exercise regularly or move restlessly (pace or fidget).
Among the easiest activities are going for a walk, riding a bicycle, or swimming; these and any other activities that raise the heart rate are considered to be aerobic exercise. It is important that you include at least a half-hour of moderate physical exercise in your daily schedule in order to maintain good health.
In order to lose fat or achieve targeted wellness goals, you may have to spend more time exercising if you intend to lose weight or achieve specific fitness goals. Trying 10-minute segments of exercise throughout your day is a good alternative if you cannot schedule time for an extended workout. Participating in physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing.
At least twice a week, experts recommend performing resistance training sessions — such as weightlifting — to improve your strength. It is very important to do strength training because it helps increase muscle mass in the body. Adipose tissue doesn’t burn as many calories as muscle tissue, while muscle tissue burns calories.
It is beneficial to burn calories whenever you do any extra exercise. Consider devoting a few moments during your day to walking or moving around a little. Try to improve daily; move more than you did the previous day. A very easy way to use up more calories is to go up and down stairs more frequently and park your car farther away from your destination. Even small activities such as doing housework, car washing, or gardening contribute to losing weight by burning calories and contributing to the loss of body fat.
How to Increase Metabolism: No Short Cuts
When it comes to losing weight or burning calories, dietary supplements should not be regarded as a solution. Supplements that purport to raise your metabolic rate are at best ineffective and at worst extremely dangerous.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:
“The FDA is not authorized to approve dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness. In fact, many dietary supplements can be marketed without even notifying the FDA.”
The manufacturers of over-the-counter dietary supplements do not need to prove to the FDA that their supplements yield the advertised effects, so always approach any supplement with skepticism. Furthermore, it is always wise to consult your physician about any dietary or nutritional supplements you are either taking or considering taking.
The weight loss journey is anything but easy. It is still true that physical activity and diet are the foundations on which weight loss is based. For most healthy people, losing weight is as simple as eating fewer calories than you burn.
It is recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that you cut between 500 and 700 calories from your daily diet to lose up to 1.5 pounds each week. Incorporating some type of vigorous physical activity into your daily schedule is the most reliable way to manage your weight for the long term.
Author of Medicine & Metabolism Dr. Brian Fertig is President and Founder of the Diabetes & Osteoporosis Center in Piscataway, New Jersey.